I have often wondered why
pumpkin was so important for the fall and winter holidays. Of all the squash varieties available, why
this particular species? Let’s do a bit
of time travel to 7000 BCE, and a favorite winter vacation spot, Mesoamerica
aka Mexico. The Native tribes lived off
the land; growing, harvesting, collecting seeds to plant for new growth and
harvest. One method used necessitated a
water source, The Three Sisters of squash, beans and corn. This method allowed each crop to help each
other while growing along a river bed. Vines
of beans created a trellis upon the corn, and added nitrogen into the
soil. The trellis provided shade for the
pumpkin while the pumpkin vines helped the shallow roots of corn stay stable in
wind. The corn stalks would allow the
beans and pumpkins to lift off the ground slightly, so wet ground would keep
them from rotting.
Pumpkin was not so named
until Europeans began exploring Mexico. The
name of this squash comes from the Greek word Pepõn which means “Large Melon.”
The French took this word for themselves as well, the English were good with it
too. American English though had to have
its own pronunciation, and "Pumpkin" was formed. Even back in the 16th and 17th
centuries, settlers of North America were having fun with phonics!
Squash, including
pumpkins, is normally a fall weather crop.
The large orange pumpkins are often emptied of pulp and seed, a face
carved in the hard shell, and a candle placed inside. Now do you know why? Jack O’ Lanterns are based upon an Irish
myth. Stingy Jack drank with the devil
twice, but tricked him both times, so Jack did not end up paying. Jack’s luck ran out though; he died and
heaven refused him entrance due to his track record of bad deeds. Down to hell he fell, but the devil held a
grudge and would not allow Jack admittance as well. However, the devil gave Jack a burning ember,
so his spirit could walk the earth forever, and have something to light his
way. Jack carved out a potato, placed
the ember inside, and became known as Jack of the Lantern.
While pumpkin seeds can be
roasted and salted for a tasty snack, the pulp is often used to make baked
goods and soups. Americans love this
squash so much, they extend its use into the next fall holiday, Thanksgiving;
then into winter with Yule and Christmas.
Thankfully, due to home canning, and the aluminum can industry, pure
pumpkin is available year round! Now to
my playing with pumpkin, and the goodies I enjoy baking, and most of all,
Here’s the basic recipe
again, but need to wow the family, and guests, with a fancier treat? Bake up Biscotti! An Italian cookie whose name means “twice
baked”, and you just have to change the basic recipe a wee bit.
Pumpkin Bread
2 cups cooked pumpkin puree or 1 (15 oz.) can
pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1 cup canola oil
2/3 cup water
3 cups sugar
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp salt
1 tsp each ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg and
½ tsp ground cloves
Preheat oven to 350;
lightly butter and flour (or use baking spray) three loaf pans.
In a large bowl, mix
together well the pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, water and sugar. In another bowl,
sift together the flour, baking soda, salt and spices; add 1/3 of dry mixture
into pumpkin mixture and mix well; repeat until all dry ingredients have been
incorporated into the wet mixture. Divide batter between prepared loaf pans;
use a soup ladle to get three full cups into each loaf pan.
Bake for 45-50 minutes, or
until a toothpick inserted in center comes out cleanly. Let loaves cool before
inverting and removing.
Makes 3 loaves. Or makes 30 muffins which are baked for 30
minutes (use cupcake liners for easy removal from muffin tins).
Normally biscotti is twice
baked to allow each slice to crisp up, making it perfect for dipping into
coffee or hot chocolate. Not everyone
enjoys very crisp cookies, so the baking time can be adjusted to allow for a
softer cookie. Do not make them too soft
though if intending to dip them into melted chocolate for that fancy touch. Again, since the main ingredient is pumpkin,
favorite additions of chocolate chips, dried fruit and nuts will be perfect
enhancements for the biscotti.
Pumpkin Biscotti
½ cup (4 oz.) pure pumpkin
3 tsp. flour
1 tsp each ground
cinnamon, ground nutmeg and allspice
½ tsp ground cloves
4 large eggs
1 cup canola oil
¾ cup sugar
3 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Additions, if desired: ½
cup chocolate chips, ½ cup chopped walnuts or pistachios, ½ cup dried
cranberries, or go wild and add ¼ cup of two or three.
Preheat oven to 350F; line
baking sheets with parchment paper.
Remove cookies to cooling rack and let cool
Option: After cooling,
drizzle, or dip into, melted white chocolate for a lovely contrast of color.
Makes 24 to 30
cookies. Store in glass or metal
containers, in a cool area, to allow cookies to keep their crispiness.
A tin, of these pretty
cookies, will make a wonderful gift.
Enjoy and happy holidays!
Mary Cokenour
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