But wait, what are those
scents that come upon those breezes? It
is not just the aromas coming from canning; peaches, apples, pears ready to be
made into cobblers, pies and other tasty pastries during winter. There are the last of the green beans, squash
of yellow and green; tomatoes being made into sauces. No, no, it’s something more; scents that have
a heady aroma, a bite at the back of the tongue…cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and
cloves. It’s pumpkin time! Pies, cakes, breads, cookies and soups; all spiced
up and ready to be devoured with joy.
When I decided to do a
pumpkin recipe for an article, I went through “The Mormon Pioneers Cookbook”,
but only found one recipe, that being for Pumpkin Pie. Now I had to do some thinking about the
pioneers coming to Utah from the Eastern and Midwestern states, and the only
recipe was for pumpkin pie? Then it hit
me, the San Juan County pioneers came from the western side of Utah much later
than the Salt Lake City pioneers.
Growing pumpkins out there, even from seeds was probably not a picnic in
the least. Bringing seeds, using the
waters from the San Juan River, or runoff from the Abajo Mountains; it still
would have been many years before the soil was properly cultivated for good
crop yields. Now the one recipe made
more sense, but I sort of feel sorry for all the good pumpkin eating these
folks missed out on.
Never fear though,
according to an article, “Pumpkins in the Garden” by Rick Heflebower and Dan
Drost, Vegetable Specialists (Utah State University), “Autumn Gold, Connecticut
Field, and Spirit Hybrid are large (18-25 lb.) fruited orange pumpkins that can
be used for pies and carving. Jack Be Little, Wee-B-Little and Baby Bear are
small (0.5-1.5 lb.) orange fruited types suited for small children. Lumina is a
medium (8-14 lb.) white skinned pumpkin used for painting. Big Max and Big Moon
can produce fruits that weigh in excess of 200 pounds. There are many other
good pumpkin varieties for sale at local gardening outlets and through seed
catalogs. Most grow well in Utah.” (http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1279&context=extension_curall for the full
In these modern times,
driving to the local supermarket and purchasing canned pure pumpkin makes it
all so easy. Then again, seeing those
dark green leaves shading white, orange and yellow pumpkins kind of brings a sigh
to the heart. It’s beautiful, it’s fall,
and it’s pumpkin time.
2 cups cooked pumpkin puree or 1 (15 oz.) can
pumpkin puree
4 eggs 1 cup canola oil
2/3 cup water
3 cups sugar
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp salt
1 tsp each ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg and allspice
½ tsp ground cloves
Preheat oven to 350;
lightly butter and flour (or use baking spray) three loaf pans.
In another bowl,
sift together the flour, baking soda, salt and spices; add 1/3 of dry mixture
into pumpkin mixture and mix well; repeat until all dry ingredients have been
incorporated into the wet mixture.
Divide batter between prepared loaf pans;
use a soup ladle to get three full cups into each loaf pan.
Makes 3 loaves.
Mary Cokenour