Tomatoes, tomatoes everywhere; what to do with all these
tomatoes? Nothing compares to the taste
of a fresh picked tomato off the vein, but there’s only so many you can eat
before they spoil. Sure, sharing with
friends, family and neighbors is always the first option, until winter time
hits and you want that hot bowl of steaming tomato soup. Easy answer is buy a can of soup, doctor it
up and hope it comes out the way you like it.
Another option might seem more difficult to some, however, if you make
it yourself, from scratch, you will reap rewards of tasty goodness. Canned (and I mean those aluminum cans, not
the Ball brand jars) cannot compare to fresh tomatoes; there is the lack of
preservatives for one; then the overall knowledge that you know exactly what is
inside with those tomatoes without having to read any labels. Besides soup, there is pasta sauce to be
made; and it better not be coming out of store bought glass/plastic jar either.
Oh, you just don't want to get me
started on that; basically that is, in football terms, a "Hail Mary Pass"
due to desperation or downright laziness.
Making homemade sauce is NOT that hard!
This article is geared towards explaining how to process
fresh tomatoes for your own present or future usage. The first method is "fire roasting"
where the tomatoes are placed in the oven, or on a grill, and roasted until the
skin blackens and blisters. After
peeling the tomatoes, the flesh itself takes on a richer, deeper flavor making
it perfect for meat sauces, salsas and other dishes that look for an
outstanding tomato flavor. For the
oven, core the tomatoes and place them open side down on an aluminum foil lined
tray (jelly roll pan is best). Preheat
the oven to 450 F, place the tray on the center rack and the tomatoes are ready
when the skin is blackened and blistered.
This method takes longer than the grill where you would place the whole
(uncored) tomatoes on a very hot grill; watching and turning them as they
blacken and blister. Why not remove the
core first? As the tomato is blackening,
it is, in essence, also cooking and you don't want the insides to come dripping
out into your grill.
The second method is the water bath where the tomatoes
are simmered in a large pot of heated water until the skin wrinkles, then is
easily removed; it basically slides off the tomato flesh. After coring the
tomatoes, turn them upside down and score an "X" on the bottom. I own a set of very large stock pots, so am able
to fit 30 tomatoes each into two of the pots, and there was no overcrowding; so
yes, when I say large, I mean it. First I filled each halfway up with cold
water; placed 30 tomatoes into each and then brought the water up until there
was about two inches of free space from the rim. Turning on the stove top to high heat; after
about 10 minutes, my wire skimmer moved the bottom tomatoes up, the top ones
downward, so they would all cook evenly.
It took another ten minutes until the skin was wrinkled enough to come
off easily; the water was not boiling, but there were small bubbles all around
the sides of the pots. Removing the tomatoes with the skimmer, I immersed them
in a large bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process.
The skin will easily peel off with your
fingers; just pinch a corner from the scored section and pull; but if you feel
more comfortable using a small knife, then go ahead. The tomatoes will feel
cool to the touch from being immersed in the cold water, but don't be fooled;
squeeze too hard and your fingertips will get burned from the hot insides.
The first 30 tomatoes fit perfectly inside a six quart crockpot;
setting it on low, the tomatoes cooked down for three hours. Adding one very large red onion (diced), 4
tablespoons of Italian herbal mix, 3 tablespoons of minced garlic; the sauce
continued to cook for another five hours. Turning off the heat and letting the sauce get
to room temperature, I used my immersion blender to smooth it out. The taste?
Absolutely incredible!!! The freshness of the tomatoes and onions is
overwhelming; nothing you'll ever get out of an aluminum can or glass/plastic

The second batch of 30 tomatoes were rough chopped, divided
up into 4 cup storage containers, and placed in my upright freezer for future
use. Unfortunately, my home is too small (no basement) to devote an area for
food canning and storage. Oh how I miss the basement from my old home back in
Pennsylvania, but if anyone is interested in buying my current home, so I can
move into another larger one, I won't turn down any reasonable offers. Yes, I said reasonable; so no silliness
So before you tear your hair out wondering what to do
with all those fresh tomatoes, easily home process them for your own use; you
won't regret it and your taste buds will love you for it.
Mary Cokenour