To the refrigerator I went to look for ingredients that would work with the eggplant; Roma tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, but then I spied the chicken cutlets I had defrosted for another recipe. Suddenly the picture of the recipe I was to make came into my mind like little photos, and I was off! The eggplant would be the base ingredient, just as bread was for bruschetta; olive oil, garlic, , Italian herbs, tomatoes and cheese were a given. The chicken, however, would give the entire dish a new dimension in flavor and texture; this would be one of those recipes that could be an appetizer or a main meal.
Enough chit chat and lets get to cooking...
3 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
4 Tbsp olive oil, divided in half
1 Tbsp Italian herbal mix
6 pieces boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1/4" thick, cut to equal or slightly larger size than eggplant slices)
6 slices mozzarella cheese
3 tsp grated Parmesan cheese
Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, medium-high heat, in a large skillet; place eggplant into skillet, brown one side, turn to brown other side and sprinkle garlic powder over first browned side. Remove to paper towels.
Build a stack: eggplant slice, chicken piece, tomato slice, cheese slice, eggplant slice. When all stacks are made, place on the baking sheet and top with 1/2 tsp of grated cheese. Bake in oven for 5 to 7 minutes to allow mozzarella cheese to melt.
Makes 6 servings for an
appetizer; Makes 3 servings for a meal.
Mary Cokenour
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